Fond Farewell to our Summer Interns

Alas and alack the summer is drawing to a close and so our dear summer interns, Rin and Sara have left us.  They did amazing work and were a blast to have around the office.  We're sorry to see them go, but wish them the best of luck with their senior year. 


Personal moon-shot projects:

  • A headset/photo-booth/life-size diorama that assists people with poor communication skills to communicate
  • Imaging technologies on par with MRI and EEG that can be used in deep brain visualization

Favorite inventions:

  • Bicycle
  • Clock
  • Sewing machine

Special skills:

  • Origami whiz
  • Ability to sleep through every alarm


Favorite invention:


Favorite quote:

"What I cannot create, I cannot understand." - Richard P. Feynman


How can one best approximate the perfect engineering of another's personal experience?

Special skills:

  • Empathy
  • Rad party organization
  • Carpentry

Secret identity:

Undergraduate student :(